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Lifestraw 生命吸管







  • 山區工作、戶外旅行、極端環境,Lifestraw是確保飲水健康的必要方案。
  • 野外求生時,在任何水源處使用Lifestraw取水,不必攜帶大量飲用水,省力方便安全。
  • 在地震、水災、戰爭等極端環境中,配備Lifestraw以備不時之需。


It is a great helper to solve the drinking water problem in mountains and remote areas. Lifestraw has multiple layers of filtration (wire, hollow fiber membrane and iodine) that can block impurities, bacteria and parasites. Activated carbon in straws can also improve bad taste and ensure the purity of water. Lifestraw can easily filter dirty water into drinkable water quality, prevent ingresss caused by drinking water diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever and so on.

Lifestraw was certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2010 to meet EPA requirements.

Main uses:

- Mountain work, outdoor travel, extreme environment, life straw are the necessary solutions to ensure the health of drinking water.

- Use Lifestraw to drink water from any source of water without having to carry large amounts of drinking water when living in the wild, make it simple and safe.

- Lifestraw is prepared for emergencies and extreme environments such as earthquakes, floods and wars,


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生命吸管 Lifestraw

  • 【重量】54克


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